National Resources

  • Early Intervention Programs

    - Click HERE If you feel like your infant/child is not meeting important milestones. This link will help you find programs in your state!

    CDC has a free APP to help monitor development milestones. (Click HERE to find the APP.) Talk to your pediatrician about your concerns and for finding support.

    Milestones matter and with the help of early intervention- developmental delays can be improved significantly if not completely resolved.

  • EHDI- Early Hearing Detection Intervention.

    click {HERE} and more contacts HERE

    EHDI systems must ensure that families get access to culturally competent information to help parents make informed decisions. This also includes providing families access to support groups to help provide emotional support.

  • IDEA: The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

    is a law that makes available a free appropriate public education to eligible children with disabilities throughout the nation and ensures special education and related services are available to children.

    Click {HERE} for more infromation

  • NDSS= National Down Syndrome Society

    CLICK HERE- to find local resources and connect to other families.

  • NORD- National Organization for Rare Diseases

    click here- for resources to help parents; connect to resources, funding, research and other parents who have children with rare conditions.

  • Low Vision Resources

    Click here to learn about free and low-cost books in braille.


  • Enhancing Early Communication through Infant Sign Training

    Study and Article found HERE

  • Learn the Difference between Speech and Language from ASHA- American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.

    Click Here to read this article

  • Building Language tips from the Center for Disease Control

    As strange as it seems- the CDC has great article about building language with babies who have hearing loss. Click here to read some of their tips!

  • How to Communicate with your Baby day one!

    Another great article from the CDC- you can read by clicking HERE.

  • “Genes provide a blueprint for the brain, but a child’s environment and experiences carry out the construction.”

    A great article that explains how babies’ brains develop. Click Here to read the article.

  • 10 things every child needs

    You might be surprised by the items on this list. Interaction, Loving Touches, Stable relationships, A Safe, Healthy Environment, Self-Esteem, Quality Childcare, Communication, Play, Music, Reading

    Parents are encouraged to recognize their infants' ability to respond to their environment. Click Here