Free Digital Download- ASL ABC Poster


Want to teach your little one the concept of the written letters in the alphabet? This poster is written with ASL in mind! No longer will you have confusing messages like, A=Apple yet when you sign Apple you use an X handshape. We have paired up signs that use the SAME handshape as the English Word.

This poster is not intended to re-enforce the sounds each letter makes. It is strictly created to bridge the concept of written English Letters to ASL ABC handshapes.

Print out this 8.5X11 poster on cardstock to make more durable.

This resource compliments our Simple to Sign Book- DOG DAYS! An ASL ABC Story.

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Want to teach your little one the concept of the written letters in the alphabet? This poster is written with ASL in mind! No longer will you have confusing messages like, A=Apple yet when you sign Apple you use an X handshape. We have paired up signs that use the SAME handshape as the English Word.

This poster is not intended to re-enforce the sounds each letter makes. It is strictly created to bridge the concept of written English Letters to ASL ABC handshapes.

Print out this 8.5X11 poster on cardstock to make more durable.

This resource compliments our Simple to Sign Book- DOG DAYS! An ASL ABC Story.

Want to teach your little one the concept of the written letters in the alphabet? This poster is written with ASL in mind! No longer will you have confusing messages like, A=Apple yet when you sign Apple you use an X handshape. We have paired up signs that use the SAME handshape as the English Word.

This poster is not intended to re-enforce the sounds each letter makes. It is strictly created to bridge the concept of written English Letters to ASL ABC handshapes.

Print out this 8.5X11 poster on cardstock to make more durable.

This resource compliments our Simple to Sign Book- DOG DAYS! An ASL ABC Story.

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