ASL Handshape Bingo Cards


We are pleased to provide ASL Bingo cards to help you learn your ABC ‘s in English and ASL! Great for family game night, family holiday gathering and just one-on-one with your little one.

This free digital download has:

8 Bingo Cards with pictures from our popular ASL ABC Flashcards

5 Bingo Challenge cards that are letters only.

Be sure to print off our free ASL ABC Poster as a helpful reference.

We recommend using our flashcards as the deck that determines what letter to call out each round, but if you don’t have our flashcards, you can print off another FREE ASL ABC poster and cut out each letter/image and use that instead.

Print on cardstock- and place in a plastic sleeve if you plan to use repeatedly.

OR laminate cards if you plan to use dry erase markers.

(Or you can use buttons or coins to be place markers to keep track of the letters called on your BINGO card but be careful with little ones- as these are choking hazards.)

We hope this game will bring hours of fun as a family- helping everyone improve their ASL skills and build bonds of love and language.

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We are pleased to provide ASL Bingo cards to help you learn your ABC ‘s in English and ASL! Great for family game night, family holiday gathering and just one-on-one with your little one.

This free digital download has:

8 Bingo Cards with pictures from our popular ASL ABC Flashcards

5 Bingo Challenge cards that are letters only.

Be sure to print off our free ASL ABC Poster as a helpful reference.

We recommend using our flashcards as the deck that determines what letter to call out each round, but if you don’t have our flashcards, you can print off another FREE ASL ABC poster and cut out each letter/image and use that instead.

Print on cardstock- and place in a plastic sleeve if you plan to use repeatedly.

OR laminate cards if you plan to use dry erase markers.

(Or you can use buttons or coins to be place markers to keep track of the letters called on your BINGO card but be careful with little ones- as these are choking hazards.)

We hope this game will bring hours of fun as a family- helping everyone improve their ASL skills and build bonds of love and language.

We are pleased to provide ASL Bingo cards to help you learn your ABC ‘s in English and ASL! Great for family game night, family holiday gathering and just one-on-one with your little one.

This free digital download has:

8 Bingo Cards with pictures from our popular ASL ABC Flashcards

5 Bingo Challenge cards that are letters only.

Be sure to print off our free ASL ABC Poster as a helpful reference.

We recommend using our flashcards as the deck that determines what letter to call out each round, but if you don’t have our flashcards, you can print off another FREE ASL ABC poster and cut out each letter/image and use that instead.

Print on cardstock- and place in a plastic sleeve if you plan to use repeatedly.

OR laminate cards if you plan to use dry erase markers.

(Or you can use buttons or coins to be place markers to keep track of the letters called on your BINGO card but be careful with little ones- as these are choking hazards.)

We hope this game will bring hours of fun as a family- helping everyone improve their ASL skills and build bonds of love and language.

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